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 Fundación Educacion y Desarrollo


Dr. Professor José Luis Linaza Iglesias is the founder of this organisation. The project's objective is to empower children of surrounding communities. The majority of these children are from Slums who have parents with bad conditions. This organization creates a community for these children, offers education through game activities and cultural activities. The organization is also mobile, with the goal of being able to cover different districts and offer education through culture and games to more and more children. 
Prof. Linaza Iglesias and his team
Annual Festival of games
mobile education & games
Learning to plant
Arts and crafts
mobile music class
VOW collaborates with this organization by organizing volunteering activities and research. 
Volunteers must be enthusiastic and patient to work with children, must enjoy cultural games and be willing to teach and be creative with the children. 

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Voices Of The World

Numéro d'enregistrement de association sans but lucratif: BE0673.578.787

Rue de Stassart 109, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgique

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